[ No 23 ] DnD, Adventures League



Gossip and intrigue ran amok in the city of Phlan. Many of its citizens still spoke about how the Black Fist guard pursued a charlatan and hang it in the city bridge. Little was known about the dead man or what he did to deserve such gruesome death. Soon we would know.
The lord sage of Phlan hired us adventurers to investigate what the dead man had planned. He briefed us that the charlatan, Tibeem and his friend, Spernik, presented themselves as scribers looking for a job a few months ago. It was not unusual to hire travelling scholars and their work was welcome in the city library. Only later, the sages would discover that they falsified one of the library’s rarest tomes. Both were charged due to their hidden agenda. Tibeem’s soul was long gone. We had to find Spernik.
The seven of us – I, a paladin; Rashad Rosestrider, a human monk; Taran, the bard; Hurteul, a fairy warlock; Gru’zak a goblin bounty hunter; Snoops a gnome rogue; and Kestra ge’Len a divinator wizard – started to retrace the scribers’ steps. Our search would eventually lead us out of the city and into the mountain foot of one of the many mountains close by.
We found stone pillars old forgotten. Nature had reclaimed whatever structure or civilization built them and rocks and foliage weaved with the man-made structures. It would be almost imperceptible if not by a visible digging site and the sound of the stupid kobolds guarding the tomb’s entrance. It suffices to say that they were not a challenge and we entered the tomb pursuing Spernik’s whereabouts.
We did not know the purpose of the structure and the place smelled to a mix of dust, roots, and mould. The smell was almost pleasant if not by the interposing smell of rotten flesh. Undead guarded the place!
Our group’s scouts positioned themselves and we ambushed the creatures. Our casters hurled cantrips and divine magic at the creatures while sword and arrows met the creatures’ flesh. As soon as the battle had started, it had ended and we proceeded to explore the chambers.
Eventually, we got to a reinforced steel door and Snoops could hear our nemesis discussing something on the other side. There was no time for subtlety, I bashed the door with my full weight and we caught our enemies by surprise.
Spernik had a battalion of kobolds with him. The creatures placed themselves between us and their master and there was nothing we could do but cut through them if we hoped to reach Spernik. Kestra used her arcane arts no trap the enemies in-place. I am still impressed by arcanists and how they can weave reality to their will. By her gestures, magical web restrained both kobolds and the cultist. We had the upper hand and we slew all but Spernik.
The scriber explained to us about his plans. He was an agent for the cult of the dragon and the place being dug was a druid sanctuary long built to protect a relic related to Tiamat. My companions thought that Spernik could assist us in locating the artifact and securing it once more so we proceed to the lower chambers of the dungeon.
We ventured deep and disabled many traps eventually reaching the relic’s chamber. A deadly wight manifested in front of us and battle was imminent. I only hope that the creature was a spirit of evil and not a champion of good protecting the place.
It was a fierce battle. Kestra once again cast her magical web and I protected the casters in the group rushing to the frontline. Snoops and Gru’zak fired from distance and Hurteul commanded his familiar – a imp named mister tulip toes – to distract the wight. To our surprise, Spernik double-crossed us and joined forces with the wight! Although the web spell was effective, Spernik empowered the wight with profane powers and assisted it in breaking free. We took a few hits and Kestra was at danger with the wight closing by. Nonetheless, both the creature and Spernik fell to our combined efforts.
The lord sage of Phlan would have plenty of time to study the relic and find a place where it would be protected from the cult of the dragon once again. It would be long before the city’s gossip about the two scribers and their fate ceased. The tales would never match our adventure!
Details were omitted and/or modified, so I don’t spoil much of an official Adventures League game. I am not a native speaker and this is a small exercise to improve my writing. Please be kind.
Arthur Marques