[ No 24 ] DnD, Adventures League



I am Soulcatcher, a soldier encased in full armour. Sometimes, you hear me speak with a seductive woman voice, some others as a manly stoic veteran. My identity is not certain as I am many.
The halls of Kelemvor – the god of death and the dead – has been desecrated. Ghoul and zombie walk in the catacombs and the clergy were concerned that this problem would soon get off control and afflict the citizens of Phlan. As adventurers, the five of us were hired to deal with the undead. Rashad Rosestrider a human monk; me a paladin; Tyras a dwarf forge cleric; Taran a human bard; and Hurteul a tiefling warlock of the archfey.
Yovir, the kelevomrite responsible for the temple/graveyard debriefed us. To say the least, it is quite unusual that clerics of the god of death cannot handle a few undead though I suppose that one cannot anticipate the perils and dangers that delving into a dungeon imposes and thus, we ventured into the catacombs.
To no surprise, the place was infested with all sorts of undead. Skeletons and zombies walked through large halls and rooms once intended to pay respect to our ancestors. It’s saddening that our blades and sorcery would cut through people who once run the city of Phlan. I only pray that once our job is done, they can meet their maker once more and finally rest.
We did what we had to do. Fight them! My full armour and years serving as a mercenary did not fail me as I used many war tactics to put the enemies at disadvantage. Meanwhile, Taran crushed skeleton bones with his war hammer and Rashad’s pummels hit like a battering ham. Both Hurteul and Taran assisted us with protective magic, eventually asseling the enemy as well.
We made our way through the corridors and piles of bones, old and new as we put them to rest once more till we reached the final catacomb. There runes and wizardry pointed out that a tattooed wizard and a knight performed some forgotten necromancy. Soon their magic would cease.
The wizard commanded the knight to protect him as he planned to escape through a teleportation circle. However, I was quicker and grappled the wizard before he could escape while my companions dealt with the knight and creatures summoned from the shadows. It was a quick and bloody battle but I suppose that a wizard cannot effectively cast his spells when any somatic components might mean exposing yourself to a sharp blade. Soon our enemies were dead laying on the ground.
The sun would rise and settle on the city of Phlan as it always did. Few would know that undead walked freely in the city’s graveyard, even fewer would know of our deeds and how we stopped them yet our adventures would continue!
Details were omitted and/or modified, so I don’t spoil much of an official Adventures League game. I am not a native speaker and this is a small exercise to improve my writing. Please be kind.
Arthur Marques