[ No 13 ] DnD, Adventures League



All right ladies and gentlemen, I don’t have time for an intermession and I am no play-writer though some lords of Waterdeep offered me some good coin to embezzle their children deeps not so long ago. But anyway, many things have happened since I departed the humble town of Dougan’s Hole. Most of them involve deities, devils and whatever grand scheme they run behind the scenes of Icewind Dale.
Some of these events involve my companions, who have been cursed while others are bad dreams about an army of devils and fire burning down the ten towns. We couldn’t do much about the latter; honestly, if the fire brought a little bit of warmth that would be a change, but we had to seek a holy man to lift the curse from my companions.
We heard that a priest of Lathander lived in the city of Bryn Shander and we sought his assistance. The friendly gnome priest, Copper Knobberknocker broke the curse without breaking a sweat though he requested us to locate his missing friend – Macreadus – in some sort of black cabin in the far north across the Lonelywood.
What are the odds for Lathander cursing us just so we go to his temple, be in his debt, and so find his missing servant?
Our journey led us through the Lonelywood indeed. On the top of a cliff, we found the black lodge where Macreadus was last seen. It was hanging on the edge of the cliff, and the sight was just outstanding though the silence and chill in the air haunted my bones. Something was amiss.
Or’o – shapechanged as a huge wolf-spider –
were the first to enter de cabin. It was in total chaos with humble
and debris all over the place; in
one misstep the old wood cracked over the weight of
Or’o and he fell through the cliff
as in the old bardic tales
the Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell.
Story tells that Or’o fell to the ground and almost died, but who am I to write such a terrible thing about my druidic friend? Let my journal erroneously accurately tell that he
shapechanged in a small hummingbird and flew back to us safe and sound.
After the startle, we found the reason why the cabin was in such a mess. Some spherical device accidentally laid on the floor. Clear scorch marks radiated from where it was to everywhere else in the cabin and the item was clearly magical.
What could a tinkerer be more happy about? A magical device, supposedly capable of igniting fire?
Wreckage, the artificer, was thrilled!
We activated the device, which started to float outside the cabin. Its circles started spinning with unimaginable speed and the sphere was as bright and warm as a small sun. If Lathander had placed a curse on us so that we could find this device and break the everlasting winter in the land, that was a fair price. Nonetheless, our excitement lasted as long as how a kobold gets happy seeing tasty food just for four of his siblings eat all of it, leaving the poor bastard nothing but an empty plate…
Auril, the frost maiden herself, laughed at us. With a simple word, the device was struck with divine magic and, in the blink of an eye, it was torn apart. With the snowstorm that hit us, her servants appeared – commanded by a Ice Wraith.
We fought. We won. We saw Macreadus’s soul meet redemption. All the way back the wind sounded like chuckles from the frost lady mocking our childish attempt to break her curse. Yet another lovely day in Icewind Dale!
Details were omitted and/or modified, so I don’t spoil much of an official Adventures League game. I am not a native speaker and this is a small exercise to improve my writing. Please be kind.
Arthur Marques