[ No 17 ] DnD, Adventures League



Kelvin’s Cairn, a 1,000 foot-tall mountain was the only peak within a thousand miles in the far north of ice wind dale. Treacherous, mortal, and I just find a terrible place to die…. no one would ever find my body there, but anyway
After our adventures in Car-Dineval, we head up north to Caer-Konig – famous for its knucklehead trouts which is basically our diet ever since we got to the region of the ten towns . The townsfolk were welcoming to our “kind”, so-called adventurers. In fact, speaker Trovus spoke with us about a series of unfortunate events:
- A magic lantern stole from a local shop
- Goats stolen from the Hook line and sinker tavern barn
- A small sack of pearls stolen from the frozen far expeditions shop
The thefts worried the townsfolk and it was up to us, adventurers to locate the missing items. My bets were on the local pawn-shop, but unfortunately, it was not that easy. Our investigations directed us to a track leading to the treacherous Kelvin’s Cairn mountain.
On the mountain foot we found an old dwarf fortress. It was an advanced outpost, yet it could hold a small garrison of dwarves, or any sort of creature. We proceeded with caution, praying that a crossbow would not pop out of the many arrowslits in direct line of sight. Wreckage was marveled by the building and with some effort, we got to its front gate without any interruptions. I wondered how such fort was abandoned.
Inside the building, we found several cages and the stolen goats. An inert zombie ogre rested inside another cage and before Or’o, the druid, could speak with the animals and know more about how they got here, the gate behind us shut close. The ogre’s cage opened and it violently rushed towards us.
We readied ourselves for battle, soon there could be many more enemies storming from corridors leading to the hallway. Ranmorr and Wreckage held the line while our spellcaster, Fate, magically enhanced our accuracy. Indeed there were more enemies and they appeared out of the thin air. Duergars, or gray dwarfs, who used some sort of spell to enlarge themselves. It seemed like we were surrounded.
I don’t call myself a coward, but rather one that positions himself away from danger. Seeing all the ruckus and stomps from the large foes, I found that going to the now empty cage where the ogre once was was a really good option. I continued to fire my arrows through the cage bars, how I love being small , while my companions fought the creatures.
Sure that we could hold the ogre, Ranmorr rushed towards one of the duergars in the next room only to be assailed by a hidden trap. Our situation was dire, but little by little, we held our ground until Wreckage dispatched the last of the duergars.
Many events occurred as we searched the place, found the stolen goods, and fought for our lives seeking shelter from a terrible blizzard. I am starting to think that the north was not the best place to hide, but hey, we had goat stew that night!
Details were omitted and/or modified, so I don’t spoil much of an official Adventures League game. I am not a native speaker and this is a small exercise to improve my writing. Please be kind.
Arthur Marques