[ No 18 ] DnD, Adventures League



Howdy my friends. Last I left we had just stormed the front door of Caer-Dineval defeating an entire platoon of cultists. Now, silence reigned and we wondered where or who usurped the place for themselves.
We ventured deep into the fortress, finding many secret passages and empty halls. Not many of the events in the location are worth of note though we found the cultists’ identity. They worshiped Levistus – Archdevil of Stygia – and the cultists’ leader, Kadroth had plans in motion to accumulate power and influence in the ten towns.
How unfortunate it was when Kadroth’s plans ended with his skull bashed by Magnu’s weapon. I particularly like our cleric. He is pragmatic, doesn’t ask too many questions and always has our back. He is not as tall as the other Goliaths, but his demeanour sometimes gives him a more imposing presence. I could worship his god Bhaal, but as uneducated as I am, better not make any commitments that I might regret later.
Wreckage, the artificer, was also amazed by the place and many of the intricate mechanisms and trap doors that he found and lead us through. His excitement jeopardized any stealth advantage that we could have, but still.
In the bowels of the fortress catacombs, we meet Avress, a white tiefling with robes and an icy staff. Her appearance was threatning and we parleyed with her. She treated us as small bugs that she could squash at any time. In fact, she did not care about our presence in the place and supposed that we would eventually foiling whatever plans Asmodeus had in motion.
I am quite impressed by how these archdevils have an everlasting war with a bunch of prime demons and they still find time to mess around with us little mortals.
Eventually, we freed the town mayor from the cultists’ grasp. We heard myths about foretold doom and how a duergar warlord cloistered in his underground fortress in the spine of the world plans the end of the ten towns. I just hope that Magnus doesn’t cross this warlord’s path…
Details were omitted and/or modified, so I don’t spoil much of an official Adventures League game. I am not a native speaker and this is a small exercise to improve my writing. Please be kind.
Arthur Marques