[ No 20 ] DnD, Adventures League



I am an aloof tribal warrior stationed at the city of Easthaven. I’ve seen many adventurers come to the city hall. They come and they go. Some to never return. It’s easy to inebriate yourself with the promises of gold, fame, and power. I would never trade my family for such things.
Yet another day guarding the town. I did my usual shift and sat with the boys for a game of Tak Tak. Conversation was as usual. Who would be next of the raffle, whose wife was pregnant, whose lover would be mad, and when would the frost maiden Auril, lift her curse and finish her neverending winter. Well, I can merely phantom about some of these problems and I was way more concerned about Billy’s next move on the Tak Tak board.
My shift had a drastic change when I started hearing conversation up above in the main room. Apparently, some adventurers had found some cauldron that could magically produce food. At first I thought that was just another charlatan desperately trying to convince the mayor to spare some of our tax money, but the thing was real! So yeah, the city mayor decided to order some magic items in exchange for the cauldron.
Of course that that would take time, so the adventurers were welcomed to guard the cauldron in the city’s mall. They were a mix of huge and threatening goliaths and small and harmless halflings, so I will call them The small towering threat. One of the halflings, Redcap, was particularly friendly and joined us in our game of Tak Tak. He kept asking questions about our life, who had shifts at night, and so on. Nothing too inquisitive and in return we also got our turn asking about his adventure finding the cauldron. I’ve to say that this was a nice change to Joe’s constant complaints about his grumpy husband and how he never has time for the kids.
I finished my shift and head towards home where beloved Martha would have a well-cooked soup, some hard bread, and a cozy bed. That’s how I thought that the day ended, but in the day after, as I got into the city’s town hall, the mayor gave me high recommendations. He spoke about how I had joined the adventurers to protect the town from ghost and duergar. Something was off but I kept nodding and politely smiling as the blood on the floor was already dry and the sight of my teammates, Billy and Joe, rubbing and cleaning the floor while I got so many compliments was quite pleasant.
Well, the rumor that spread through town was that some wailing spirit appeared at the room that the group was guarding. The creature’s touch could easily make you meet your maker and the adventurers struggled to fight it as normal weapons could almost not harm the creature. To make matters worse, some duergar, or dark dwarfs, had decided to steal something at the towns vault at the same night. The skirmish between the three groups was fucking diabolical and story tells that I was at the night shift. It seems that not only had I joined the fight but that I had fired an arrow through one of the duergar’s eyes, literally pinning his dead body to the wall.
At first, I was glad about the whole thing and the extra rations that I got as a bonus that month. Now that the city has decided that I am its best archer, I am constantly assigned to hunting duties. In retrospective, I can only imagine that this so called Redcap was some sort of leprechaun that took me as his target.
I miss my Tak Tak games and my ranting buddies, Billy and Joe. At least Martha is still there waiting for me to get home, or so I hope.
The title and narrative for this session are an inside joke. The DM, Jason, has this module that gives an adjective to any monster. The town had “tribal warriors” as town guards and my PC can disguise as any character he has meet. So I basically played this adventure disguised as the aloof tribal warrior
Details were omitted and/or modified, so I don’t spoil much of an official Adventures League game. I am not a native speaker and this is a small exercise to improve my writing. Please be kind.
Arthur Marques