[ No 11 ] DnD, Adventures League



I have lost my voice to Baba Yaga, the Mother of all Witches.
Ever since, I’ve been an outlander traveling the realms under the
name that others gave me: Quiet
I found myself in a tavern in the outskirts of Hillsfar due to an eccentric invitation letter that summoned me to a hand puppet show in the tavern’s basement. Unread book, a Tabaxi monk; Django a rogue Elf with burn scars; kobie bolt a Kobold; Jost a Furbolg who made a pact with an Archfey; and Thistle a friendly forest gnome; were the other adventurers who were also summoned to the puppet show.
Our contractor was lady Lightsong, a half-elf who belonged to the Harpers – noble agents who thwart tyrants and aid the weak, the poor, and the oppressed. She explained to us that several farms around the city of Hillsfar have been raided and farmers have been missing. As the last attack happened to the Timfellows halfling family, we were called to find their whereabouts.
While lady Lightsong gave these details, we watched the puppet master enact a show where several races such as elves, dwarfs and others fell to the hands of champions from Hillsfar. A bad omen to the things that were to come.
We headed to the halfling’s farm, where the sight of the raid was still visible and some buildings scorched by the fire were being rebuilt. The place was oddly calm and some of my companions headed towards some of the houses to inquire the townsfolk. Meanwhile, Thistle and I went to a barn under construction. It’s always awkward to explain to someone friendly as Thistle that you can’t talk, but hand signs were enough to guide us through smalltalk.
Several things happened at the farm. My companions discovered that the Red Plume soldiers from Hillsfar were the ones to kidnap the Timfellows. We also learned that most humans in the region were xenophobic to other races. This was disconcerting and we had little hopes of finding any clues that could lead us to the halflings. However, an elf scout came to our help. Outside the sight of any farmers, Deriel explained to us that the Timfellows escaped the raid and were hidden nearby. She guided us through the vicinity to meet them, or so we wished.
At the meeting place, we were surrounded by red plumes. Outmatched and outnumbered, we had no option but to surrender. Cuffed, the xenophobic guards from Hillsfar marched with us back to their city. I wanted to scream how dishonourable and coward they were, only if I had a voice. The whole trip was exhaustive and we were constantly harassed by our captors. At some point, they even brought Unread book, the monk to a brawl fight for the sake of entertainment. At least our monk friend was more than capable in a fistfight and his prowess led the guards to better treat us for the rest of the trip.
Hillsfar was a reflection of its xenophobic people. The city indulged in avarice and its architecture and decoration did not show skill or enlightenment, but rather, it depicted a false sense of grandiosity masquerading the city’s corruption. Within the city, we found ourselves in the city’s arena to serve as entertainment to its corrupted royalty, and the brainwashed townsfolk who followed them.
The gladiator games were brutal. We had to cross a pit full of water and vicious piranhas to reach and ring a towering bell before the opposing team could do so. I succumbed to rage, unleashing the spirit of Baba Yaga that dwelt inside me. It gave me the strength to swim and reach a climbing wall unharmed. My companions were equally skilled and soon, we got to the bell. Nonetheless, the games were far from over. As soon as the bell rang, the water drained and one of the city champions stormed the arena to confront us.
I kept firing my cursed arrows to give cover to my companions. Unread book pummeled through the gladiators in the arena while Thistle hurled powerful spells freezing the air around her and making icicles that exploded on contact. The whole fight made the crowd turn into an angry mob, causing chaos and clashing with the arena’s militia. Amidst the confusion, our party was able to escape the arena.
I don’t have fond memories of Hillsfar and its townsfolk though
I am glad I accepted this contract. Otherwise, I would had never
met the brave warriors and spellcasters that I now travel with.
I’m looking forward to adventuring with them again.
Details were omitted and/or modified, so I don’t spoil much of an official Adventures League game. I am not a native speaker and this is a small exercise to improve my writing. Please be kind.
Arthur Marques