[ No 5 ] DnD, Adventures League


Most Terrible Middle Schooler

I was failing in my Geography class, so mom paid for a school trip to the great canyon. I was not impressed with a bunch of red rocks or whatever, and it was not like that would help me, but it was a nice trip. So I have to write this essay about rocky formations, and that’s very stupid, so I might spice the story a little bit. Please Mr. Marques, I only need a C-.
So… we got to this region near Mulamaster. I never heard of it, but some people say it might be close to the border. We were on this really nice trip, bunch of adults tagging along:
- Mr. Iolan he is kinda like Legolas meets Aragorn and was our guide;
- Mr. Admek he was a religious man. I am not that much into religion, so it all sounded strange to me
- Mr. Kairand he was the default Legolas, not as cool as Iolan, but I can’t say that to him;
- Ms. Yvone she is like these cool aunts that everyone talks about. She was quite good with mushrooms, but I can’t talk much about that
- Zathras he or she was a small lizard. It might have been an emotional pet that we had to bring. I am not sure. I honestly thought about bringing it home, but since I flushed my last gecko, mom would not be happy about it. Besides, they (can I get extra points for using gender-neutral?) were much bigger than any other pet lizard I ever saw.
So there was this guy, probably a politician, at the start of our trip. He gave some eloquent (I have to look at this word in the dictionary) speech about defending the land and that the moment was ours for the taking. I think that he was just grabbing voters, but anyhow… we started our trip with Iolan leading the way.
The caves were big and dark, it was a little hard to see, but now and then, there were better-lit sightseeing places. The first one had a bunch of mushrooms, I am not sure how they grow in the great canyon, but Ms. Yvone got really well acquainted with them, and she even picked a few to bring home. Did you know that mushrooms grow out of nutrients in the soil? So, I picked some really smelly mud so I could make a mud bomb and throw it at poor Jimmy when we get back home.
We moved to the next sightseeing place and a couple of tourists were heading back our way. They might have been from some weird country, I couldn’t understand most of what they spoke, but as soon as they saw us, they wanted to fight. That was dumb, we just smashed them. I got to show some of my nice shoving skills. I hope that a ranger finds the shoved person, I might get into trouble if this turns into “a 127 hours” kinda stuff (don’t ask me how I got to watch a R-rated movie…).
Of to the next sightseeing. In this one there was this fella called Grick? They were really sad because some bullies mocked their appearance. That made us mad. Like, I like shoving people, but I reserve mockery only for the worst of my classmates. So yeah. We decided to visit these “giants” who mocked them. The giants were like mason people who were really into their work. Somehow they resembled the senior students in my school whenever they talked about being “high”. I don’t understand it, but there was this magic stone statue that made them high, or I guess so. So yeah, we smashed their stone statue and made the giants apologize to Grick.
This is where the trip kinda got weird. The next sightseeing was like Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. There was marble stone corridors and this big horned lizard. REALLY BIG. It would make the Basilisk from Harry Potter shiver. So then, Mr Iolan showed us some of his boy scout skills and how to tame the beast. At this point Zathras was becoming my best friend and he made some reference to x-men cartoon, but it was from what, the late 90s? So I honestly didn’t get it. It was something as fastball and it involved throwing the poor lizard into a wall while it screamed about it. At least it made me laugh.
So I will speed forward just because I don’t know the essay page limit. We got to this place where a bunch of more “giant” people were acting in these old medieval forges. They all had red hair and big beards, so I guess they might be from Scotland or Ireland. So yes, there was this small plot/acting about resistance and a slave uprising. Now that I think about it, I am not sure if that wasn’t something from Spartacus (also R-rated… with lots of naked people; I don’t get why the senior students like it so much). I just hope I am not getting confused with all the Brave Heart vs Spartacus shenanigans; let me get back to my essay, but I think I should get some extra points for knowing about this stuff, right?
Midway through the acting, someone said something really bad. The fire giants, I mean, the Irish, got mad at us, and they wanted to swing their big hammer at us. I tried to do my Cobra Kai and Naruto stuff and hit him really hard. Our small lizard friend did what he did best, fastball + screaming. It somehow distracted the Irish mad guy. Iolan, Yvone and Kairand also helped. Admek tried to preach something too. It was bad timing, but it somehow blinded some red-bearded folks. Chasing the moment, I took my baseball bat and BANG; I hit the red-haired guy right in his big toe. All of a sudden, all the slave people were cheering. I think I didn’t realize that this might have been one of these acts when we tourists get to play, but yes, it was fun.
So this is my summer Geography essay. I mentioned rocks and a couple countries, so this is at least D+ material. Mom will get really mad otherwise, just saying….
Details were omitted and/or modified, so I don’t spoil much of an official Adventures League game. I am not a native speaker and this is a small exercise to improve my writing. Please be kind.
Arthur Marques