[ No 8 ] DnD, Adventures League


Most Terrible Middle Schooler

Mom paied a tutor cause I am failing English class. That’s the least she could do because she is always working and she never has time to stay with me. Arg. Remember to scratch that from the final draft that I need to send to Mr. Marques or I’ll be in trouble. I call him Mr four eyes. Ops scratch that or I’ll get a zero.
So… Mr Marques asked us to write an essay about our last summer vacation. I mostly played warcraft and with these people on Discord, but now and then, I had some weekend trips. One of these trips lead me to Barovia. I never remember if these Vistani people who helped us get there were actually part of the trip staff, but anyhow… There were some cool people in the trip too.
- Mr. Talarin a birdman. He has this cool hawk that could poop on people’s heads. I gotta get myself a parrot like that;
- Mr. Karthak some lizard man. He made me this walking dead thematic shield, so he is cool;
- Mr. Bako a karate guy from some dojo. He’s not that nice cause he is not from my dojo, the Cobra Kai dojo. I keep competing with him to show that my dojo is waaaay better than his, but he seems to not care. What a bummer;
- Ms. Lyubov she is all about being nice and gentle, besides she could not hit anything. It’s ok. At least I can bully her about that. Ops. Scratch that too.
So, there was this fog and the five of us got lost from the main group. I guess that is no biggie because that means that we can explore stuff on our own. We got to this mountain village and there was this classic shop that tries to sell expensive gift cards to tourists. I bought myself just a healing potion, but I made sure that the vendor disguised it as beer to look badass drinking underage. I might need to remove this from the final draft too. I wonder if I’ll ever have a story if I keep removing things to stay out of trouble.
The vendor was concerned that a couple of hunters disappeared in the vicinity (I looked at this word in a thesaurus). Eager for adventure, Mr. Talarin enlisted us to help find these poor souls. So we jumped on a hike. The weather was colder than expected and there was this river. As a lizard man, Mr. Karthak easily swam through it. Talarin also went through the river and it was super cold, so he did not feel that good for the rest of the trip. Bako and I did a jumping competition to see who jumped farthest. Of couse Cobra Kai dojo won.
After a few hours of hiking, we got to this clearing. There was a spooky tree. Bako found a tamborim. It looked like it belonged to the missing hunters, so we were on the right track. There was also some ketchup warning on the tamborim to scare us away — that’s a cheap trick, I used that myself in my last Halloween costume.
Not scared by these cheap tricks, we ventured forth. Getting into a campsite. There was this hunter on the ground. It seemed like he got attacked by wolves. We found a silver dagger and Karthak said something about half-man half-wolf. That was odd yet there was no sign of the huntswoman, so we went further into the trail.
Eventually, we got to the mountain top and a cave that appeared to be the wolf’s den. We cautiously investigated it to find that the huntswoman had some sort of curse and that her family had some trouble that could not let them get back into the city. I would soon find that the woman was actually a werewolf, but not like the makeup one. I real one! I swear. We got our hiking gear and got ready to smash the creature. There was also this wolf straight out of Neverwinter. Both of them jumped at Talarin, who took quite a few blows. I could protect him with my baseball bat, though there was just so much I could do. Karthak got bit. He will probably need one of these anti rabies shots. They hurt like a lot. It saddens me to say that Mr. Bako was the one to beat the hell both the wolf and the werewolf. It’s not that I am jealous, but he could totally be part of the cobra kai dojo. But yeah. That was that. we got back from the hike into the cozy township in the skirts of Barovia.
Ops. Almost forgot. Ms Lyubov got an A for effort mention plus she knew that the Cobra kai dojo is in Pasadena so all good.
Details were omitted and/or modified, so I don’t spoil much of an official Adventures League game. I am not a native speaker and this is a small exercise to improve my writing. Please be kind.
Arthur Marques