Monk & Homebrew

Certain monastic traditions dedicate their lives to hunt rogue wizards who have made pacts with fiends or creatures from the lower planes. They live in meditation and draw their power from within, not from external forces that could easily mask demonic interference. To this end, they bask into small spell-like abilities and on honing the natural martial abilities of their bodies, both physical and mental.

Inspired on the Way of the Spellstasis by u/WhiteShadowTaiChi and on the Assassin from Diablo II

Aspect of Knowledge
Beginning when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with arcana and history.
Minor Spell Infused Strikes
Starting at 3rd level, you have learned to fight against spellcasters and creatures from other planes. You gain the following benefits:
- You can spend one ki point to grant yourself a bonus against a spell save or against saves effects from Undead or Fiend creatures, such as a Banshee’s wail. Roll your martial dice and add the result to your save. You can use this feature after you see your save roll but before knowing the result.
- Once per turn whenever you hit a creature with one of the attacks granted by your Flurry of Blows, you can spend one ki point to cast two magical darts (1d4+1 force damage each) similar to the Magic Missile spell. The darts target either the original target or on a new one. At 11th level, you cast three darts instead.
Spell Breaker
Starting at 6th level, you have learned to disrupt enemy spell casters.
- As a reaction, you can spend a ki point to counter spell a 3rd level or lower spell. To counter spells of higher levels, add one extra ki point per spell level, e.g., to counter a 4th level spell, you must spend 2 ki points while a 5th level spell requires 3 ki points. You cannot counter spells of 6th level or higher with this feature. Additionally, you gain 5 temporary hit points per spell level as you absorb part of the energy of the countered spell.
- Using a bonus action, you can spend a ki point to teleport 30 feet to an unoccupied space.
Greater Spell Infused Strikes
At 11th level, you have learned unique techniques kept secret only to the Spellstasis masters. When using your Flurry of Blows, you bend the spell weave to bask into raw elemental magic. Once per turn, you can use up to 3 ki points (depending on the technique used) to add one of the following effects to your flurry:
Claws of Thunder A spellstasis charges the ions surrounding her and delivers a devastating thunder attack. As part of one of your Flurry of Blows attacks, you can spend 1 ki point to cast the Thunderwave spell. Use your ki save DC to resolve any saving throws against the spell.
Fist of Fire A spellstasis can charge her own fists with pyrokinetic energies, scorching her opponents when the charge is released. As part of one of your Flurry of Blows attacks, you can spend 2 ki points to add 1d8 fire damage to your attack and apply the effects of the Blindness spell to the target hit as the fire scorches your target senses. Use your ki save DC to resolve any saving throws against the spell.
Blades of Ice the trained spellstasis can chill opponents with a vicious rake of her hands. As part of one of your Flurry of Blows attacks, you can spend 2 ki points to add 1d8 ice damage to your attack and apply the effects of the Slow spell to the target hit as ice starts to hinder their movement. Use your ki save DC to resolve any saving throws against the spell.
art by Yuan Cui