[ No 25  ]  DnD, Adventures League



Why do tyrants fall? Why does the city of Waterdeep let the wicked run amok? The events of last Thursday left many lingering questions in my mind. It is not that I awake at night with nightmare visages of the events that occurred, as I am Faithless, yet I feel obliged to share turmoils that happened in the dark waters at the docks of Waterdeep.

The five of us were at the tavern discussing the events of the so called dragon heist. Zoidberg, a tiefling sorcerer; Mirith, a dragonborn sorcerer; Tasha’lin Mizzym a drow fighter; and Brad, a mysterious half-elf bard. Although we were successful in returning the stolen gold that we had found in the dragon vault, we made some powerful enemies in the process. Jarlaxle – notorious swashbuckler and the the leader of the Bregan D’aerthe mercenary company – was amongst them. The dark elf left a letter requesting that we meet him at the docks so we could settle any feuds caused by the heist. It was not like we had much choice.

The smell of fish, saltwater and the various products at the docks inebriated our senses. It was a testament to how the city never sleeps and the fact that mercenary ships were docked near trading ones had much to tell about Waterdeep. I am not certain why I recall these details, perhaps my mind is just eluding my thoughts from the butchery that would happen next.

We first boarded the Hellraiser – one of the ships owned by the Bregan D’aerthe company – at the docks. Both Tasha and Zoidberg warned us that the human appearance of the threatening sailors staring at us was a mere disguise to drow elite fighters. We proceeded to parlay with the ship captain and let him know about Jarlaxle’s letter. To our surprise, the captain was not aware of any letters and we started a game of deception and manipulation to hide that we had betrayed Jarlaxle yet we were there to meet him. In a second, Zoidberg threatened the captain, in another, Tasha persuaded him that Zoidberg was out of his mind. As treacherous as navigating through a storm, we navigated through these negotiations and, in the end, we got a tow to Jarlaxle’s ship without any fights.

Jarlaxle’s ship had a similar layout to the Hellraiser. Guards escorted us to the ship’s lower decks so we meet our nemesis. Jarlaxle, in one of his many disguises, was waiting for us. The drow wanted an explanation as to why we had betrayed him. We were supposed to retrieve a staff from the dragon vault for him. Nonetheless, that meant fighting a gold dragon, something that neither I nor my companions were fond of. Tash, Mirith, and Zoidberg, all who had negotiated with Jarlaxle before, proceeded to explain how the events occurred.

I assume that these were formalities that fighters do before they kill their enemies. No talking would save us from Jarlaxle’s blade, we knew that. I guess there is some honour in talking with your enemy face to face. Trading compliments and sharp words before the steel would pierce armour and rip through flesh. As expected, Jarlaxle’s politeness came to an end and he would take Zoidberg’s life for the events of the heist. We would not allow it.

I was faster than my enemies and cast a spell that would obfuscate my enemies vision. Mirith used one of his many magic items to create a protective barrier around him and some of our allies. Jarlaxle reacted casting drow magic to weaken their defences and some of his thugs joined the fray. My companions were inside the barrier and the thugs engaged me and Brad. Hell, they were fast with their knives. If not by my blurring spell, I guess I would be dead.

Jarlaxle vanished from our sight and I felt his blade puncture the side of my torso. Seeing that I was helpless, Mirith broke his protective barrier and Tasha and the others engaged Jarlaxle. Although we outnumbered them, hitting an invisible swashbuckler was no easy task.

Thankfully, one of Brad’s spells broke Jarlaxle’s invisibility before Tasha and I fell to his death blade. The tide turned to our side, Tasha knocked Jarlaxle prone and her sword pierced his heart in one accurate blow. I used my whip to tear one of his hirelings apart. Zoidberg, Mirith and Brad hurled powerful spells. It was a bloodbath.

The shipmates were alert in the top deck of the ship. They knew that we were discussing with Jarlaxle and a fight would potentially erupt. No training would have prepared them to see their master’s head rolling through the deck. Tasha threw it as she stepped out of the lower decks covered in blood. Few words were said. The Bregan D’aerthe mercenary company was now hers. Those who opposed were to meet the same fate as Jarlaxle. I left before I could hear Zoidberg’s demands for the head of the Hellraiser.

There are many reasons why I am Faithless. In that night, I questioned myself why do I adventure? Would it be to dethrone one of the most threatening foes of Waterdeep just to see someone seize his position? I am not certain, but it was about time to leave Waterdeep.

Details were omitted and/or modified, so I don’t spoil much of an official Adventures League game. I am not a native speaker and this is a small exercise to improve my writing. Please be kind.

Arthur Marques