Bard & Homebrew

Chanters are bards who rely on verbal tradition. Instead of using magic instruments, they rely on their powerful voices and chant rhymes of courage and glory and give them and their allies supernatural strength to overcome any trials or burdens.

Inspired on the Chanter from Pillars of Eternity

War and Song
When you adopt this tradition at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with medium armor, the shield, and the battle axe.
If you’re proficient with a simple or martial melee weapon, you can use it as a spell casting focus for your bard spells.
Battle Chant
Starting at 3rd level, you can expend one use of your bardic inspiration and you can invoke a secret magic song.
You can use a bonus action to start chanting, which lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are incapacitated or silenced. You can also dismiss chanting at any time you choose (no action required). You start with two songs and you learn an additional song at the 7th and 10th levels.
- Blessed Was Wengridh, Quickest of His Tribe up to three friendly creatures of your choice in a 30 feet radius gain extra 5 feet of movement
- Dull the Edge, Blunt the Point up to three friendly creatures of your choice in a 30 feet radius gain temporary hit points equal to your charisma modifier. At 10th level, the hit points increase to 3 + your charisma modifier.
- The Dragon Thrashed, The Dragon Wailed up to three hostile creatures of your choice in a 30 feet radius take fire or slash damage equal to your charisma modifier. At 10th level, the damage increase to 3 + your charisma modifier.
- Lo, Their Endless Host, the Harbingers Doom up to three hostile creatures of your choice in a 15 feet radius lose 10 feet of their movement until the start of your next turn.
- Her Courage Thick as Steel a friendly creature of your choice in a 30 feet radius has advantage in their next attack roll.
- The Fox from the Farmer Did Run and Leap up to three friendly creatures of your choice in a 30 feet radius do not provoke attacks of opportunity for the first 5 feet of their movement.
- At the Sight of their Comrades, their Hearts Grew Bold the attacks of a friendly creature of your choice in a 30 feet radius count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. At 10th level, the the attack rolls and damage rolls of the target gain a bonus equals to half your charisma modifier (rounded up).
Song of Wrath
Starting at 6th level, whenever you chant, you start to stockpile raw magic. Your chant starts with one rhythm and at every turn, you can spend your bonus action and add one extra rhythm to your chant. Instead of adding a rhythm to your chant, you can use your bonus action to burn your pool of rhythms and evoke one of the following effects. Whenever you use this feature, your battle chant ends.
- The Thunder Rolled like Waves on Black Seas up to three hostile creatures of your choice in a 30 feet radius must make a Strength saving throw. A target takes thunder damage equals to your bardic inspiration dice – per stocked rhythm – on a failed save and is knocked prone, or half as much damage on a successful one and it isn’t knocked prone.
- The Bride Caught their Ruse and Set to Make them Pay up to three hostile creatures of your choice in a 30 feet radius must make a Charisma saving throw. A target takes necrotic damage equals to your bardic inspiration dice – per stocked rhythm – on a failed save and is frightened until the end of your next turn, or half as much damage on a successful one and it isn’t frightened.
- Rise Again, Rise Again, Scions of Adon! up to three friendly creatures of your choice in a 30 feet radius regain hit points equal to your bardic inspiration dice – per stocked rhythm.
- Thrice Was She Wronged, and Thrice Justly Avenged make a melee spell attack – per stocked rhythm – against a creature within 30 feet of range. Each attack has a bonus to attack rolls equals to the number of stocked rhythms. On a hit, the target takes force damage equal to your bardic inspiration dice + your charisma modifier.
The DC for your song of wrath is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.
Secret of Rhymes
Beginning at 10th level, you can change the song/effect of your battle chant at the beginning of your turn (no action required). Also, your chant starts with two rhythms.
art from camelot Unchained